Chenyan Gong

Welcome to my website! I am a second-year master's student in the Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University. My research interests lie in the intersection of environmental, energy, development, agricultural economics, and empirical industrial organization. My advisors are Prof. Shanjun Li, Prof. David R. Just, Prof. Miguel Gomez, and Prof. Calum G. Turvey. Prior to joining Dyson, I graduated from Sun Yat-Sen University with a bachelor's degree in Finance under Prof. Teng Li's supervision. For more details about my research, please check out my research page.
In addition to my academic pursuits, I am an avid tennis player and a former member of the Sun Yat-Sen University Tennis Team. I have also been playing the accordion since I was 4 years old and was a part of the Sun Yat-Sen University Symphony Orchestra